【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾愛情的模樣 (The appearance of love) 2-1
Deux ou trois fois, pendant un instant, j’eus l’idée que le monde où était cette chambre et ces bibliothèques, et dans lequel Albertine était si peu de chose, était peut-être un monde intellectuel, qui était la seule réalité, et mon chagrin quelque chose comme celui que donne la lecture d’un roman et dont un fou seul pourrait faire un chagrin durable et permanent et se prolongeant dans sa vie ; qu’il suffirait peut-être d’un petit mouvement de ma volonté pour atteindre ce monde réel, y rentrer en dépassant ma douleur comme un cerceau de papier qu’on crève, et ne plus me soucier davantage de ce qu’avait fait Albertine que nous ne nous soucions des actions de l’héroïne imaginaire d’un roman après que nous en avons fini la lecture. Au reste, les maîtresses que j’ai le plus aimées n’ont coïncidé jamais avec mon amour pour elles. Cet amour était vrai, puisque je subordonnais toutes choses à les voir, à les garder pour moi seul, puisque je sanglotais si, un soir, je les avais attendues.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)

Two or three times it occurred to me, for a moment, that the world in which this room and these bookshelves were situated and in which Albertine counted for so little, was perhaps an intellectual world, which was the sole reality, and my grief something like what we feel when we read a novel, a thing of which only a madman would make a lasting and permanent grief that prolonged itself through his life; that a tiny movement of my will would suffice, perhaps, to attain to that real world, to re-enter it, passing through my grief, as one breaks through a paper hoop, and to think no more about what Albertine had done than we think about the actions of the imaginary heroine of a novel after we have finished reading it. For that matter, the mistresses whom I have loved most passionately have never coincided with my love for them. That love was genuine, since I subordinated everything else to the need of seeing them, of keeping them to myself, and would weep aloud if, one evening, I had waited for them in vain.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

I two or three times had the idea, momentarily, that the world in which this room and these bookcases were, and in which Albertine counted for so little, was perhaps an intellectual world, which was the sole reality, and my unhappiness something like that which we get from reading a novel, and which a madman alone could make into a lasting and permanent unhappiness, extending into his life; that it would take only a slight effort of will perhaps to attain to that real world, to return into it by passing beyond my grief, as though bursting through a paper hoop, and no more to care about what Albertine had done than we care about the actions of the imaginary heroine of a novel after we have finished reading it.
(Translated by John Sturrock)